Kitchari. Kitchari means mixture, usually of two grains. This is one kitchari recipe that is particularly Kitchari is basic to the Ayurvedic way of life. Composed of basmati rice and mung dal, it has as many.
Make a nourishing and cleansing meal that's easy to make and tastes delicious.
In this article: Basic Kitchari Recipe.
Kitchari, also called Khichdi, is a traditional Ayurvedic dish made with a mixture of yellow split mung Kitchari is a porridge-like mixture of Basmati rice and yellow moong dal (split mung beans) simmered.
Vous pouvez avoir Kitchari en utilisant 10 ingrédients et 2 pas. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.
Ingrédients de Kitchari
- C'est 00 g lentilles jaunes.
- Vous avez besoin 200 g riz basmati complet ou de riz sauvage (ici un mélange des deux).
- Vous avez besoin 1 CAS de ghee (beurre clarifié). Ici de l'huile de coco.
- Vous avez besoin 1 CAC de graine de cumin.
- Préparez 1 CAC de cumin en poudre.
- C'est 1 CAC de coriandre en poudre.
- Préparez 1 CAC de curcuma.
- Vous avez besoin 1 petit morceau de gingembre frais haché.
- C'est 250 g légumes (facultatif, ici petits pois et oignons nouveaux).
- C'est Sel, poivre.
In This Article Kitchari: Perfect Protein Kitchari for Cleansing Kitchari, pronounced kich-ah-ree and sometimes spelled khichadi or khichdi, has long been. "'Kitchari' means 'mixture' in Hindi, and it is a traditional Ayurvedic dish Kitchari is suitable for all mind-body types (doshas) and adaptable to suit your preference—light and soupy or hearty and filling. How to make Kitchari - a cleansing and healing Ayurvedic dish, balancing to all doshas (constitutions). I love exploring all elements of Ayurvedic healing, particularly the recipes. Kitchari is a delicious mix of cooked lentils, rice and spices - a staple recipe of Ayurvedic diets and perfect for a cleanse when packed with greens!
Kitchari instructions
- Faites tremper les lentilles et le riz pendant 2 heures avant la cuisson. Rincez les. Chauffez la matière grasse dans une marmite, ajoutez le mélange riz/lentilles, puis les épices. Laissez revenir 2 minutes en remuant sans discontinuer. Mouillez avec 1/2 litre d'eau. Incorporez les légumes et portez à ébullition, laissez cuire 20 minutes jusqu'à ce que le riz et les lentilles soient tendres. Si nécessaire, ajoutez de l'eau selon la la texture désirée et prolongez la cuisson au besoin..
- C'est un plat que l'on peut servir ferme ou limite en bouillie (façon dhal). Salez, poivrez et servez.
Kitchari, traditionally made of yellow mung dal beans and basmati rice, along with digestive spices and ghee, is considered a cleansing and detoxifying food in Ayurveda. Kitchari is Ayurveda's perfect food, indicated in times of recovery as well as cleansing. Think of kitchari as the vegetarian equivalent of Grandma's chicken soup, with much more fiber. Kitchari provides solid nourishment while allowing the body to devote energy to healing. You can safely subsist on kitchari anytime in order to build vitality and strength as it helps balance all three doshas.